| What do experts say
When we feel a sense of disquiet or disharmony within and cannot point to a specific reason, then we need to address it. Working with this discomfort helps to attain mental peace and stability. Understand what it means to be in the flow of life with simple tips.
Mental health comprises of our thinking, feeling and behavior. Sometimes lack of proper knowledge or the stigma attached to mental health issues, prevent us from seeking help. Any one at any stage of life can face stressors and cause disturbances in physical and mental health. Over or lack of sleep, eating problems, anxiety, loss of will to do things, mood swings, or feeling like harming self and/or others are red flags and we need to identify these trouble areas and reach for help immediately.
We all have a vast spectrum of issues originating from past patterns and starting in your childhood, mother’s womb and even a previous lifetimes. You have a right to understand and heal these problems and lead a more meaningful fulfilled life. True healing and vibrant health is possible by understanding the wisdom of your body, mind and soul.
Mental health care is vitally important in these difficult times. Sometimes, there is no medical cause for an issue that bothers us and it gets categorized as a psychological ailment. We are trained to not share our innermost thoughts with the outside world. But, if these thoughts are stressful and raise anxiety levels, leading to insomnia and depression, eventually they spread toxicity in the physical body.Talking our hearts out to trained experts is the first step to a healthy and happy mind.
Today, mental health is a recognized word, but how much do we really understand it or mental illness for that matter? How do we know whether what we are dealing with is a temporary emotional set back or a diagnosable mental illness? She explains how we can understand our situations better by reaching out and seeking help.
Mental health is our mental, social and emotional wellbeing. It depends on how we cope with physical challenges in our life and handle relationships. Going for long walks, eating well, exercising, being with friends and family helps maintain a relaxed mind space. If there are mental health issues which bother us, accept that there is an issue and seek help.
If we don’t enjoy a healthy mental space, it will eventually affect the physical body. Sometimes, feeling sad or depressed is not “just a phase”. We need to acknowledge that we are not fine and reach out to an expert who can hear us out, non-judgmentally. There is no right age to go to a counsellor, the right time it right now, when the feeling is “not good”.
We face challenges in life leading to emotional turmoil such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks and uncontrolled anger. Good mental health is like the ship which helps to sail through difficult times. You are the captain of this ship and mental health care professionals are like maps that help you to navigate through traumatic situations. All the captain needs to do is reach out for the map.
Mental Health care is about paying attention to how you think and feel. You also need to be mindful of how you behave and how your behaviour affects you and others. It is about looking forward to life while appreciating what you already have. Forgive and be honest with yourself. A negative thought can even motivate us to put in more effort and make thing work. Believe that you are strong enough to handle anything and there is still hope in life.
We need to take care of our Physical body and mental health for our overall well-being. De-clutter your physical environment and help yourself to focus on what is important here and now.