Healing Through Past Life Regression

Unhealed wounds lead to unhealthy mental issues like irrational fears, anxiety or mood disorders to name a few. These wounds could be caused at any age but with time we repress the incidents that caused it in the first place. Some memories date back to infancy, or what you have absorbed while in your mother’s womb, or even from a past life. The mind has ‘stored’ these memories deep in the subconscious mind, making it difficult to access on demand.

Regression therapy is a therapeutic tool to recover memories from previous lives. Practitioners facilitate the client to go back in time (regression) using thoughts, emotions and body sensations. This regression could be to periods of infancy, sometimes to periods of gestational development, or a time before this life where the subconscious unfolds memories across time and space which we classically term as past life regression.

As with most gnostic disciplines, past life regression therapy isn’t supported by modern science. Some medical practitioners have questioned this technique since it pre-supposes incarnations. Past life therapy operates from the idea that there is carry-over from one life to another, and we all possess some type of consciousness entity (or in religious terms, a soul) that experiences successive lives. Scientific community has been debating on the existence of “soul” and even some religions question the idea of “re-birth”.

However, there are umpteen number of cases with successful resolutions for the client, using regression therapy.  It is usually used, when a client comes with some issue or problem they can’t seem to resolve.  It is seen that learning about past lives can help people look at what’s been carried forward [into this lifetime] so it can be processed and released. Our prior life experiences can affect us in ways we’re not consciously aware of.

Using several techniques the therapist guides and prompts you to recall memories from your past lives. In a trance like state when you focus on the problem the mind opens up memories saved in the subconscious mind. This can help identify details about the individual that you were, the circumstance of your past life, key events, places where energy or emotions have been blocked or stuck and in this life they recur as a pattern which one the client is unable to stop on their own.

Once the client figures out what aspects of their past lives they are carrying into their present one, the therapist helps with additional release work to let go of residues being carried from those experiences.

Past Life Regression can help you to:
● Reconnect with past life experiences.
● Help you understand why you feel a deep connection with certain places.
● Explore your past life and current Soulmate experiences.
● Identify physical ailments you have, which may be remnants of past life experiences.
● Explore unresolved emotions which have carried through into this lifetime, creating fears or beliefs which you have been unable to explain.
● Acknowledge and embrace the key lessons learned through those lives.

Connect with a regression therapist to guide your through your hurts and start functioning at your optimum with a healthy and sound mind, with no unresolved issues taking up space or holding you back.

Contact us to Talk now.