Hey! How are You?…
I see, How was your Day?…
Hmm…Would you like to try something?
Take a deep breath, exhale from your mouth.
Do it once again but this time close your eyes.
You’re back, did you smile or did your lips widen a bit before you opened your eyes? If the answer is no, then I’ll tell you what to do at the end of this article.
They say communication is essential to healthy relationships, it is true. The same is true for a healthy relationship with oneself. If we cannot communicate with our own self, listen to our thoughts, pay attention to our feelings; then how can we do the same for others. If we maintain a good relationship with ourselves, we can build healthy relationships with others.
We are always busy talking to other people and trying to figure them out, help them. Let me ask you when was the last time you had a conversation with yourself. Have you asked questions like – Am I stressed? Am I comfortable taking the next step? Do I need to do what they say? And given an honest reply. If you did that’s awesome, but if the answer is no, then it’s time you start. Because, the one person who has been with you through all the difficult as well as happier times is You.
Even when you thought there was no one around, when you cried bitterly, felt lonely, suffered their wrath and yearned for some peace, you were there. So neglecting yourself and hating yourself will never be of any help to you. Only you can save yourself from your Self, quite interesting right? The very first and important step you can take is to start conversing with yourself, try to understand and discover who you are as an individual. Slowly, with understanding and patience, you will be able to accept and love yourself.
This love borne out of a healthy relationship you share with yourself will help you in the long run. Anyone who knows to love and cherish themselves will be able to love and cherish other people in their lives as well. So start conversing if you don’t and those who do, remember to have healthy conversations. Now, those of you who did not smile – Repeat what I asked you to do earlier and give a big broad smile before opening your eyes. Simple, right?
Thank you for listening… Until Next Time!